1) Camel Pose (Ustrasana)
The virtue of this pose comes form the fact it is a back bending that makes you stretch your front body, from hands to toes. It is also one of the simplest yoga poses, ideal for beginners. How does it work for your breasts? Among many muscles, this pose will stretch the tissue around them. As a matter of fact they will be among the muscles stretched the most, as the breast tissue will be almost at the top of the arch your body will form. Few –if any- regular workouts or daily activities make use of these muscles, so this pose happens to be godsend for your breast size and firmness.
Lie down on your stomach, and while your legs hold your weight, rest your hands on the floor by your shoulders and raise your upper body. After reaching the highest point, lift your head and hold for a brief moment. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
2) Cobra Pose (Bhujanga)
A very popular pose, it is normally promoted for its great effect on buttocks, back, and tummy. Often ignored, however, is the fact the cobra pose works more on the breast muscles than on the actual midriff. The key is to strike the pose correctly, and many people don’t. An important tip: Don’t push your head backwards, as it will result in over-bending. Many people do this because it makes the pose easier, but less effective. By not over-bending correct amount of stretching is put right on those breast muscles.
3) Stabdhasana
This pose, unlike others, doesn’t stretch your breasts muscles, but instead contracts them. This creates the effect of increased blood flow, something extremely important when trying to achieve muscle development, which translates into fuller breasts. You will feel shoulders and chest muscles being stretched, which also contributes to lifting the breasts.
You must stand or sit with your spine completely straight, bend your shoulders forward, and put the palms of your hands against each other at chest level. Then imagine there is an object between your palms and compress it to the max of your effort –without losing your posture- for about 20~30 seconds, then release the pressure slowly. Repeat 5 to 10 times, focusing on hands position and breathing.
4) Cow Pose (Gomukhasana)
This position goes a long way in chest stretching, while also working thighs, hips, and arms.Sit down with erect spine, with legs fully extended. Bend the left knee, while moving the left heel towards the right hip. Use your hands to pull up the right leg over your left thigh, making sure both knees are aligned. Now raise your left hand over your shoulder, and your right hand behind your waist, then join them together like in a handshake. Locking your fingers will help you keep the position for 20~30 seconds. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
5) Double Angle Pose (Dwikonasana)
This pose is achieved by standing with feet wide apart. Joining hands locked together behind the back, then bending the body forward, while lifting your
locked hands. Keep the pose for about 30~45 seconds. Repeat 5 to 10 times.Besides its benefits for breasts size and firmness, this pose is very helpful in
relieving lower back and neck pains, by stretching and contracting muscles that support the spine.
6) Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
This could be considered a variation of the camel pose, as it involves stretching the body backwards, but while lying on your stomach. Its name is reflective of the fact your body assumes the shape of a bow.You lie on your stomach, raise your legs and bend your knees as much as you can towards the head, then reach with your hands until you can hold both ankles. It is important to keep the head straight, looking forward, hold the position for 10~20 seconds, then release slowly. Repeat 5 to 10 times.
7) Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)