Yoga is like an ancient almighty booster for treating an array of diseases. And diabetes is no different. There are many different yoga poses, which are known to enhance the function of pancreas and liver, along with regular blood sugar levels. They help in releasing enzymes in the body, which help you maintain better health, lose weight and also keep your diabetes in check. Here are some yoga poses you should do combined with 30 minutes of walking a day to control your sugar levels-
1. Vajrasana
![Image for post](https://miro.medium.com/max/400/0*BY5qZ8Vzkqf1PbYb.jpg)
This is one of the simpler poses that anyone can do. Not only will it help you manage your sugar, it aids digestion and controls post meal sugar spike too. For this posture, you should fold your right leg and place the right heel below the butts. The same with your left leg too. Now straighten your back and keep both hands flat on the thighs. It is best to sit in posture post meals — although you can do it as a relaxing posture. This posture is known to relax the Kanda, which as per Ayurveda is located 12 inches above the anal area where 72,000 nerves converge.
2. Sarvangasana
![Image for post](https://miro.medium.com/max/600/0*fCrEUz4nsmzqo0Ps.jpg)
Do this posture with a little caution, as it is advanced, but not that difficult. Lie down on your back raise both legs together using your hands for support. Raise the legs off the butts and lower back so that you can feel the weight on your shoulders and not anywhere else. Do support the same with your hands to maintain this posture. Hold for 30–60 seconds and repeat 3–4 times. It boosts your oxygen supply; aids weight loss and balance your insulin release too.
3. Setubandhasana
![Image for post](https://miro.medium.com/max/570/0*jrT1Nqe0DL_Njfbi.jpg)
Also referred to as the bridge pose, this is an asana that is ideal for weight loss, reducing stomach and butt fat and also enhance chemicals in the body that balance your sugar levels. For this posture, lie down flat on the back and bring both heels slightly closer to the buttocks. Hands should be placed on sides and now gradually, using your hands, stomach muscles and feet, lift the entire hips off the floor. Take it as high as you can and hold for a minute. Gradually lower and repeat again.
4. Balasana
![Image for post](https://miro.medium.com/max/1600/0*3uWtAAwF1uciAWfs.jpg)
Child pose is a relaxing posture of yoga, which should be done again as a cool down process or in between other exercises to relieve the back. The child pose helps in relaxing and getting rid of anxiety and stress, which trigger the sugar spike in the body. Furthermore, they work on the abdomen muscles that help the pancreas to regulate hormone production and thus manage your blood sugar levels. For this pose, sit on your heels like you do for vajrasan. Now gradually raise both your hands and then lower yourself on the floor so that your palms and your forehead are touching the ground. Keep the spine slightly curved to help it relax. Hold for 30–60 seconds and then slowly come up. Repeat 2–3 times.
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balasana ; setubandhasana ; sarvangasana ; yoga main ; vajrasana
Content source — http://community.askgargi.com/568/top-yoga-poses-to-control-diabetes